Handbook of MRI Technique, 4th Edition
by Catherine Westbrook

Now entering its fourth edition, the market-leading Handbook of MRI Technique has been fully revised and updated to incorporate new technologies and developments essential to good practice. Written specifically for technologists and highly illustrated, it guides the uninitiated through scanning techniques and helps more experienced technologists to improve image quality.
The first part of the book considers the main aspects of theory that relate to scanning and also includes practical tips on gating, equipment use, patient care and safety, and information on contrast media. The second half provides step-by-step instruction for examining each anatomical area, beginning with a basic anatomy section followed by sections on indications, patient positioning, equipment, artefacts and tips on optimizing image quality.
Written by an international team of technologists from the United States, United Kingdom and Europe
Suitable for users for all types of MRI systems
Now includes key points throughout for quick reference
Companion website at www.wiley.com/go/westbrook/mritechnique with self-assessment and image flashcards
Handbook of MRI Technique continues to be the ideal support both for radiographers new to MRI and for regular users looking for information on alternative techniques and suggestions on protocol modifications.
Table of Contents
Contributors vii
Preface x
Acknowledgements xi
About the companion website xii
1 How to use this book 1
Part 1 Theoretical and practical concepts 13
2 Parameters and trade-offs 15
3 Pulse sequences 23
4 Flow phenomena and artefacts 34
5 Gating and respiratory compensation techniques 41
6 Patient care and safety 48
7 Contrast agents 54
Part 2 Examination areas 57
8 Head and neck 59
Brain 62
Temporal lobes 81
Posterior fossa and internal auditory meatus 88
Pituitary fossa 95
Orbits 100
Paranasal sinuses 107
Pharynx 111
Larynx 117
Thyroid and parathyroid glands 121
Salivary glands 125
Temporomandibular joints 128
Vascular imaging 132
9 Spine 138
Cervical spine 141
Thoracic spine 151
Lumbar spine 157
Whole spine imaging 167
10 Chest 172
Lungs and mediastinum 175
Heart and great vessels 184
Thymus 198
Breast 201
Axilla 212
Brachial plexus 215
11 Abdomen 220
Liver and biliary system 223
Kidneys and adrenal glands 231
Pancreas 239
Vascular imaging 246
12 Pelvis 250
Male pelvis 253
Female pelvis 261
Obstetrics 266
13 Upper limb 269
Shoulder 272
Humerus 283
Elbow 287
Forearm 296
Wrist and hand 300
14 Lower limb 311
Hips 314
Femur 323
Knee 327
Tibia and fibula 338
Ankle 343
Foot 351
Vascular imaging 357
Index 365
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