10-Minute Consultation ARRYTHMIAS
by C Arden, M Fay, A Griffiths, G Lip
September 2014
The 10-minute consultation: arrhythmias outlines how irregular heartbeats are identified and treated in clinical practice, using appropriate models of care and evidence-based management, to maximize the potential of the '10-minute consultation'
Table of contents
1. Introduction
Definition and classification
What is the prevalence of arrhythmias?
What are the risk factors for AF?
What is the likely course of disease?
What are the pathological consequences of arrhythmias?
2. Who and what to test
Screening and case finding
Initial assessment and management pathway
Risk factors for stroke and thromboembolism
3. How to manage the patient with an arrhythmia
Who to treat?
How to treat: rate vs rhythm control
What drugs are available to treat arrhythmias?
Non-drug treatment
How to manage co-morbidities and complications?
4. Person-centred care
Self-monitoring and -management
Are any treatments particularly appropriate?
5. Applying the evidence
What are the implications of the international best-practice guidelines for GPs?
Selected landmark studies
What are the GP prescribing options for tackling arrhythmias in primary care: a summary
When to refer?
6. Review and recall
What ongoing patient care, monitoring and follow-up are necessary?
What roles do other key healthcare professionals have in managing the patient?
What is the role of information technology (IT)?
What is the role of the expert patient?
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