Essential Reproduction, 8th Edition
by Martin H. Johnson

Essential Reproduction provides an accessible account of the fundamentals of reproduction within the context of cutting-edge knowledge and examples of its application. The eighth edition of this internationally best-selling title provides a multidisciplinary approach integrating anatomy, physiology, genetics, behaviour, biochemistry, molecular biology and clinical science, to give thorough coverage of the study of mammalian reproduction.
Key features:
Contains discussion of the latest on conceptual, informational and applied aspects of reproduction
New pedagogical features such as clinical case studies at the end of each chapter
Better use of boxed material to improve separation of narrative text from ancillary information
Highlighted key words for ease of reference relate to summary of key points
Introduction now split into two sections
Expanded content in Fetal challenges, and Society and reproduction
Substantial rearrangement and updating in Making sperm, Controlling fertility, and Restoring fertility
How to use this book
About the companion website
Part 1: Introduction
1 What is reproduction?
2 The infrastructure of reproduction
Part 2: Making women and men
3 Sex
4 Sexual maturation
5 Gender
6 Sexual selection
Part 3: Preparing for pregnancy
7 Making sperm
8 Men
9 Making eggs
10 Women
Part 4: Making an embryo
11 Sperm and eggs
12 Fertilization
13 Initiating pregnancy
Part 5: Maintaining a pregnancy
14 Supporting the embryo and fetus
15 Growing the fetus
16 Fetal challenges
Part 6: A new individual
17 Preparing for birth
18 Giving birth
19 Lactation
20 Postnatal care
Part 7: Manipulating reproduction
21 Controlling fertility
22 Restoring fertility
23 Society and reproduction
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